API Documentation

All API calls go through the base URL https://ecsutdevents.azurewebsites.net/. For example, you can GET all events by visiting or using an HTTP GET request on https://ecsutdevents.azurewebsites.net/api/events/all.


All times are stored server-side in UTC. Convert them to your local time zone.


You must have proper cloud firestore authentication headers to perform POST, PUT, or DELETE requests. We do not currently have plans to allow organizations access to these headers, as it may introduce a security vulnerability.


Data Model

    "id": "string",
    "title": "string",
    "location": "string",
    "link": "string",
    "startTime": "DateTime",
    "endTime": "DateTime",
    "description": "string",
    "orgs": [
        "org_uId: string",
    "tags": [
        "name: string",
    "lastUpdated": "DateTime"
where DateTime is a string of the form "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ" (UTC time).


Command Method Route Description
Create POST /api/events Create an event. Event must be specified as JSON in body of request (id not required). id returned on successful POST
Find all GET /api/events/all Retrieve all events in the database
Find single GET /api/events/{event_id} Retrieves the event with id {event_id}
Find all events by an org GET /api/events/org={org_uId} Retrieves events where at least one of the orgs matches {org_uId}
Find events within date range GET /api/events/date/start={startTime}&end={endTime} Get all events within a specific date range, must provide both startTime and endTime in the following format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ". You can supply "none" to ONE of the variables to fallback to a default that encapsulates all past or future events.
Update PUT /api/events Update an event. All fields of the event must be specified as JSON in body of request (INCLUDING id). id returned on successful PUT
Delete DELETE /api/events/{event_id} Deletes the event with id {event_id}


Data Model

    "uId": "string",
    "slug": "string",
    "name": "string",
    "shortName": "string",
    "website": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "imageUrl": "string"
    "socialMedia": {
        "key:string": "value:string"
        "facebook": "fb",
        "twitter": "tw"


uId is the id of the organization. This must be the same uId received after logging in.


Command Method Route Description
Create POST /api/orgs Create an organization. Organization must be specified as JSON in body of request (uId REQUIRED). uId returned on successful POST
Find all GET /api/orgs/all Retrieve all organizations in the database
Find single by uid GET /api/orgs/{org_uId} Retrieve the organization with id {org_uId}
Find single by slug GET /api/orgs/slug={org_slug} Retrieve the organization with slug {org_slug}
Update PUT /api/orgs Update an organization. All fields of organization must be specified as JSON in body (uId REQUIRED). uId returned on successful PUT
Delete DELETE /api/orgs/{org_uId} Deletes the organization with id {org_uId}


Data Model

    "id": "string",
    "name": "string"


Command Method Route Description
Create POST /api/tags Create a tag. Tag must be specified as JSON in body of request (id not required). id returned on successful POST
Find all GET /api/tags/all Retrieve all tags in the database
Update PUT /api/tags Update a tag. Id and name of tag must be specified as JSON in body (Id REQUIRED). id returned on successful PUT
Delete DELETE /api/tags/{tag_id} Deletes the tag with id {tag_id}

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